Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bye, Bye, Birdy

It’s my last night in Chicago, rather the United States, before my journey to Palestine officially begins. I thought a week of orientation would go quickly, but I found the exact opposite. While the speakers have presented interesting, relevant topics, I’m distracted by a mixture of excitement, nervousness, and a “what-were-you-thinking” voice in my head. We closed our group activities this evening by an open mic night. The Jerusalem girls created Discernment: The Musical. We adjusted a few popular Broadway songs to fit the Young Adults in Global Mission process from application to departure – the best part was seeing the creative juices work in my fellow volunteers, this is going to be a fun year.

We had an opportunity to speak with Marideth, a volunteer who just returned from a year of service in Bethlehem. For the first time, I could create an image of where I was going to be spending my time for the next year. My placement, roommates, and apartment location are still a mystery, but it hasn’t bothered me as much as I thought it would – in fact I’m looking forward to the surprises.

Tomorrow my group and I depart from LSTC at 11:30 for O’Hare. My flight for Frankfort leaves at 3:45 and arrives at 6:55am local time and then we depart for Tel-Aviv at 11:30ish. Your prayers during that time would be greatly appreciated.

Keep the comments coming – I appreciate them all!

Special Thanks to:

Logitech, for creating a webcam my parents can operate

Pastor Paula, for so generously offering a room in her house since apparently my room is rented out

Allison, for dealing with my last minute moving madness from Minneapolis


Aaron said...

Bon voyage! Please send another update soon when you get there! --AARON

dad said...

Bye, Laurie. We're thinking of you and praying for you as you travel.


bethany said...

Safe travels Laurie! I'm excited to read all about your new adventures! We'll be praying for you... all the way from MT :)