And so it begins.
It’s still difficult for me to adjust to this new beginning. I firmly believe that I adjust well to change – in fact, it is a circumstance that I routinely invite into my life, sometimes unnecessarily. But, as these last few weeks have been filled with lasts – last Chipotle burrito, last drive in my family’s prized Camry station wagon, last evening out with friends who have significantly influenced my life in seemingly every detail, last night in my bed, last hug goodbye to my overwhelmingly supportive and patient family – thinking about the firsts that come with new beginnings seems out of place.
But, as I lie in a dorm bed at the University of Chicago, it appears I’ve come full circle. It wasn’t long ago that I said seemingly permanent goodbyes to my friends and family in North Dakota to start a new chapter in Minneapolis. Now, those same feelings of fear of the unknown and unfamiliarity that flooded my thoughts four years ago in Frontier Hall linger in my mind. I suppose every new beginning is some other beginning’s end, I just need more time to convince myself of this.
In the light of moving forward, I have been giving a great deal of thought to what exactly I hope to gain from this experience. I’ve been rereading “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert in attempt to gain some witty phrases to incorporate in my blog writing and in hopes of identifying a solid purpose to my presence. Though I am usually a fan of spontaneity and going with the flow, if my years at the leadership office have taught me anything, it’s that it’s important to have clear vision of what I’m doing before I’m too far into something I no longer know where I am or what I originally set out to do. **Maryam or Bethany, if you’re reading this, my hope is that I won’t need to pull over to the side of the road and get out of the car. **
So in the spirit of setting expectations:
I am in pursuit of gaining a new world vision through the eyes of religion.
My previous international experiences have shed light on culture and cultural interactions through multiple lenses. But, perhaps one of the most relevant, particularly in American foreign affairs is the role of religion in international relations. What Divine threads connect and divide us?
I am in pursuit of understanding the role of women in Muslim culture.
It’s no secret that birthrates are booming among the Muslim demographic. Sooner rather than later, they will be a considerable presence in the United States. I know, particularly in Palestine, strides are being made to improve literacy rates and the status of women, but I would like to better understand how the role of women play a greater role in Islamic society. Furthermore, I look forward to seeing the differences in American Muslim culture and Middle Eastern Muslim culture.
I am in pursuit of understanding hate.
I don’t know that I’ve ever used that word in reference to anything and actually meant it, especially towards another person, but it’s sustained presence is at the core of seemingly all world conflicts. Where does the idea of hate come from and how is it sustained?
Lastly, I am in pursuit of reconnecting with the Holy Spirit.
At this point, I feel as though we’re good acquaintances – we can always pick up right where we left off, but why did we quit communicating in the first place?
It’s going to be one unforgettable year.
Special thanks to:
Carl, for quite possibly the best hug I’ve ever gotten at the airport this morning.
Tara, for sending me my new favorite quote.
Mallory M., for seeing me off in Fargo – no really gets my Chelsea references here and I miss you dearly.
Mom, for letting me cook a whole 10 days using onion and garlic.
Laurie - this experience is going to be another life-changing, and yet once-in-a-lifetime journey for you. I am so excited for you. I so admire you. And, I can't wait to read about your journey as you live it! I hope that you will share not only your daily experiences, but the learnings that will mold the answers to the questions you are taking with you. May God be the presence that keeps you safe, and strong. And may be He bless others through you as much as you will be blessed in the year that lies ahead! Much love!
I hope you find everything you're looking for and enjoy South Africa!
Well, hope you HAD a good time in South Africa...good luck in your new adventures!
I hope things go well for you in Israel. We already rented out your room.
I look forward to following your life and learning. Thank you for giving of yourself to God and to the church for this year. Know that you will be prayed for daily and weekly.
Peace, Pastor Paula
PS If things don't work out there, we have an extra room here, since there won't be space with at your dad's!
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